Churg-Strauss Syndrome Life Expectancy

Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) is a relatively rare autoimmune ailment which has no known cure. Also called Allergic Granulomatosis, a person who is suffering from this illness will have a life expectancy, which is dependent on a number of criteria. Churg-Strauss Syndrome involves an immune system response that will target tissue that is healthy and causes inflammation over vast areas of the body. There is inflammation of veins, small arteries, lungs, and abdomen, and the blood flow is restricted, which can cause damage to organs.

Churg-Strauss Syndrome will occur primarily in people who have a history of allergies or asthma, and the effects will vary a lot between patients. The usual age when this symptom is discovered is between 35 and 45 and it is slightly more prevalent in women.

Life expectancy

Over the years since the syndrome has been discovered, research has noted that the life expectancy of sufferers has gradually gone up. The reason for the improvement is thought to be linked with the advancement in knowledge about the illness due to medical research.

At present, there is in place a five-point chart that can predict the life expectancy of people who have Churg-Strauss Syndrome. The criterion has been collated and used as a primary table for mortality rates of syndrome sufferers. If the condition is present with other conditions or complications, then the mortality rate will vary. The conditions are:

If one or more of the above is present, then it indicates the severity of the problem. This will give a figure of 26 per cent with a mortality rate of five years. More severe cases will have two or more of the above. The main symptoms of CSS are asthma, problems with sinuses, chest pains, rashes, irregular heartbeat, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal bleeding, and shortness of breath. Initial poor survival rates have improved over the past 20 years. The life expectancy rates at one and five years (post diagnosis) are now are over 90 per cent and 85 per cent respectively.

The causes of Churg-Strauss Syndrome

Even though the exact cause of Churg-Strauss Syndrome has not been discovered, there is speculation by professionals that it could be genetic. There are also links between the syndrome and industrial solvents. There is absolutely no connection between medication for asthma and CSS, even though some people developed Churg-Strauss Syndrome after using allergy medicines.


This is a tough illness to detect so many people are diagnosed in the latter stages. There are six relevant criteria, which can be used to spot the syndrome:

Treatment and life expectancy

If the disease is found in the early stages, then treatment can be highly efficient, and this will have an impact on mortality figures. The symptoms are controlled using high dosages of steroids. When it is under control, the dosages are lowered to control the syndrome for life. If there are complications, then other immunosuppressant medication will be used.

Even though the medication is for life, with early diagnosis the life expectancy of patients will be many years.